Driver Fatigue (being tired) is a risk to your Health and Safety and to the General Public.
Being able to see and understand the signs of Fatigue can help you to decide if it is Safe for you to Drive.

Fatigue is more likely to occur at night. Some signs of Fatigue are:
- Wanting things done quickly (or having a short temper)
- Poor concentration
- Difficulty remembering periods of time when driving
- Poor control when driving
- Difficulty in maintaining steady speed
- Drifting outside of your lane
- Not being able to see clearly
- Having blurred vision
- Sore or heavy eyes
- Difficulty keeping your eyes open and on the road
- Frequent yawning
- Falling asleep
- Not feeling refreshed after sleep
- The need for more sleep during your breaks from driving
- Fidgeting
- Stretching
- Stiff Muscles
Stop Driving immediately if you find any of the above affecting you.
These are often indications of having a Micro Sleep, which are very short periods of sleep you may not even be aware of.